
International Conference on Multimedia Forensics, Surveillance and Security

September 18th - 21th, 2012

Brasília - Brazil

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"an enviroment of interaction and integration"

2,000 m² of what is the latest in technology products and systems for electronic security

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World Cup 2014 and Olympic Games 2016

"Technology for the benefit of Brazil"

The electronic surveillance systems for digital identification, border control, access control in stadiums and enviromental monitoring

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Conference Tracks

-Laws and Ethics in Surveillance and Public Security

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Monday, 21 Oct 2024


Anders Eriksson

Ph.D., Professor of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

alt           Anders Eriksson is Professor of Phonetics at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg. He has a M.Sc. in solid state physics from Gothenburg University and worked as a teacher of physics and mathematics for many years before turning his attention to linguistics. In the late eighties he worked on speech synthesis development at Swedish Telecom. He received his Ph.D. in general linguistics from Gothenburg University in 1991. After working at the departments of linguistics, first at Umeå University and later Stockholm University he joined the Linguistics Department in Gothenburg in 2002. His scientific work includes Forensic Phonetics, Speech Perception, and lately Forensic Psychology. He is an active member of the International Association of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics since 2004.

Anderson de Rezende Rocha

Ph.D., Professor of the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil

alt           Anderson de Rezende Rocha received his B.Sc (Computer Science) degree from Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Brazil in 2003. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. (Computer Science) from University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, in 2006 and 2009, respectively. Currently, he is an assistant professor in the Institute of Computing, Unicamp, Brazil. His main interests include digital image and video forensics, data hiding, pattern analysis, machine learning, and general computer vision. He has actively worked as a program committee member in several important Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Digital Forensics events such as IEEE Intl. Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), IEEE Intl. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE Intl. Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) and IEEE Intl. Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS). In 2011, he has been elected an affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC). He is an elected member of the IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (IFS-TC) and co-general chair of the 2011 IEEE Intl. Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS). In 2011, was named a Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow. Finally, he is the principal investigator of project: Digital forensics: collection, organization, classification and analysis of digital evidences, a FAPESP Young Investigators Award.

Andrew Amery

Head of Security Co-ordination for the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games & Paralympic Games (LOCOG).

alt        He was an early member of the London 2012 bid team in 2003 where he led on the security elements of the bid which included outlining London’s security proposals as well as ensuring the security of the team and ‘the bid’ itself. Following the bid Andrew joined LOCOG where he worked closely with the government and police service to develop the overarching security strategy for the Games. Subsequently he has been engaged in the implementation of that strategy and associated planning in preparation for next summer. He has now been working on Olympic security in excess of 8 years; during which time he has amassed an unparalleled experience and understanding of the unique needs of the Olympic & Paralympic Games.

Daniel Russo

General Coordinator of Information Technology Department of Special Security for Major Events.


           Daniel Russo is Federal Forensic Expert. Holds a spec degree in GIS, MBA degree in Management and Planning and B.S. Degree in Geology. INTELIGEO / DPF Project Coordinator.

Edval de Oliveira Novaes Junior

Deputy Secretary of Technology of Rio de Janeiro State Secretariat of Security

     EDVAL DE OLIVEIRA NOVAES JUNIOR is a Brazilian Federal Police Officer. He received his B.Sc degree of Laws from the University of Caxias do Sul and of Journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. He has the Brazilian Army Reserve Officers Course (1984), the Brazilian Federal Police Agent Training Course from the National Police Academy(1996),  the Brazilian Federal Police Officer Training Course from the National Police Academy (2006), the Police Intelligence Course from the National Police Academy and the Training Course on Financial Intelligence, from the Brazilian Intelligence Agency and School of Finance Administration. He Works at the Brazilian Federal Police Department since 1996 in areas such police intelligence and analysis, having worked in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Espírito Santo, Bahia and at the Federal Police Headquarter, in Brasilia. Held the position of Deputy Secretary of Intelligence of Rio de Janeiro State Secretariat of Security (2007-2008) and is currently the Deputy Secretary of Technology of Rio de Janeiro State Secretariat of Security.

Erica Gold

MSc, Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher and PhD Student in Forensic Speech Science at the University of York

alt      Erica Gold (MSc) is a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher as well as a Third Year PhD Student at the University of York in the United Kingdom. She holds an MSc in Forensic Speech Science from the University of York and a BA in Linguistics from the University of California, San Diego. Her current research is in Forensic Speech Science, specifically looking at the calculation of likelihood ratios using phonetic and linguistic features. Erica is an active member of both the International Association of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics and the Acoustical Society of America.

Georg Hasse

Senior Consultant – secunet Security Networks AG, Berlin

alt      Mr. Hasse studied Business Administration in Germany, UK and USA, and holds an European Executive MBA from ESCP Europe, Paris. He started his career at Rheinmetall, Germany and is the former Head of Business Development and Strategic Govt. Programs at Cross Match Technologies. With over 10 years of experience in Biometrics & eIDs, Mr. Hasse is an active member of TeleTrusT’s WG Biometrics, Biometrics Institute (BI) as well as the European Association for Biometrics (eab).

Isolde Wagner

alt      Isolde Wagner is currently deputy of the Head of the the Speaker Identification, Audio Analysis and Forensic Linguistics Department of the German Federal Criminal Police (Bundeskriminalamt) in Wiesbaden, Germany. She has studied Phonetics and Linguistics at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich and joined the Bundeskriminalamt in 1991.

Jurrien Bijhold

Ph.D., Forensic Scientist of the Netherlands Forensic Institute.

alt           Jurrien Bijhold, born in 1960, has received his M.Sc. in experimental physics from the university in Utrecht in 1986. In 1992 he received his Ph.D. from the university of Amsterdam for his work on the evaluation of patient setup in radiotherapy with portal images. In 1992 he started to work for the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) as a forensic scientist on the evaluation of systems for automated handwriting classification and writer recognition. He was also initiator and leader of projects aiming at forensic applications of digital image analysis and pattern recognition in different fields of forensic expertise. In 2002, he started the NFI group for Image analysis and Biometrics, and was leader of this group till 2009. In this group, 6 people are working on: technical investigations of analogue and digital video, forensic applications of photogrammetry and 3-dimensional computer models, the use of biometric features in forensic identification and verification. Since 2000, he has been chairing the Digital Imaging Working Group of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI). Presently, he is a coordinating a project for crime scene reconstruction and visualization. He is also coordinator in “CSI the Hague”, a project for innovation of crime scene investigation techniques, methods and training with a consortium of national companies and institutes.

Leonardo Fonseca Netto

Business Development Manager - NEC.

alt        Leonardo Fonseca Netto holds a Master Business Administration - MBA degree in Marketing from ESPM, B.S. in Electrical Engineering from FEI and Certified Project Manager by PMI. Currently he is Director of Business Development for NEC, being responsible for the company security and biometric sector.

Luiz Fernando Corrêa

Security Director of RIO 2016 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

         Luiz Fernando Corrêa received his Esp. degree in Public Security Management from Getúlio Vargas Foundation and B.A. degree in Law from Rio Grande University Foundation. Currently he is Security Director of RIO 2016 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Also, he has coordinated security actions for the Rio 2007 Pan/Parapan American Games. He was the Brazilian Federal Police General Director from 2007 to 2011 and National Public Security Secretary from 2003 to 2007.

Luiz Antônio Mendes Garcia

Development and Modernization Advisor in the Brazilian Federal Justice.

alt        Luiz Antônio Mendes Garcia is an Information Technology professional for over 25 years, holds a Data Processing Technologist degree from Catholic University of Brasilia, M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from UFPb, MBA degree in Business Strategy from FGV-Brasilia and is a Certified Professional PMP / PMI area Project Managemer. He served for more than nine years as Director of Technology and Infrastructure, and for about two years as Director of Planning and IT Projects in the Brazilian Federal Justice. He has experience in Strategic Planning actions, Project Management, Information Systems Auditing and IT Governance for government agencies. He is an instructor in the areas of Project Management and IT Governance in public and private institutions. He currently holds the post of Development and Modernization Advisor in the Brazilian Federal Justice, acting as Technology Project Manager for informatization of the Brazilian Justice.

Marco Antônio Leite das Virgens

He is currently a Forensic Expert of Forensics General Coordination of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

alt        Marco Antonio Leite das Virgens received his B.Sc degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Brazil, in 1996. He obtained his Specialist degree in Telecommunications from UFMS, Brazil, in 1999. He is currently a Forensic Expert of Forensics General Coordination of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

Vander Serra de Abreu

Information Technology Manager in the Associação Brasileira de Terminais e Recintos Alfandegados (ABTRA).

alt         Vander Serra de Abreu holds a M. Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering and IT Management / Automation from University of São Paulo - Poli - USP, a Master Business Administration - MBA degree in Technology Management from the Catholic University of Santos, B.S. in Computer Science from the Catholic University of Santos. He is ITIL, COBIT, Scrum Master and Scrum Product Owner certified. Currently he is IT Manager of the Associação Brasileira de Terminais e Recintos Alfandegados, being responsible for the DTe System, the system that controls all Customs import and export cargo in Santos Harbor, and the BDCC System, a system that controls and pre -authorizes the access of people and vehicles to the customs areas in the Santos Harbor. He is also responsible for the Information Technology Group along with 20 other groups of associated companies (Santos Brasil, Libra Terminais, Bunge, Tecondi, Marimex, Columbia, Termares, Deicmar, Rodrimar, Bandeirantes, Usiminas, NST, RochaTop, Localfrio, Fertimport, Multiterminais, Suata e Intermarítima).

Walter J. Scheirer

Ph.D., Professor of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, E.U.A.

alt          Walter J. Scheirer received his Ph.D. (engineering, with a concentration in computer science) from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, and his M.S. (computer science) and B.A. (computer science and international relations) degrees from Lehigh University. He is currently an Assistant Professor Adjoint in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, and the Director of Research and Development at Securics, Inc., an early-stage technology company specializing in innovative biometric security solutions. Dr. Scheirer is a noted expert in the area of human biometrics, and has published and lectured widely on a variety of topics, including computer vision, machine learning, pattern recognition, and digital humanities. His current research work focuses on multi-classifier fusion, machine learning for open set recognition, and unconstrained face and object recognition. At Securics, Dr. Scheirer helped develop the first privacy preserving biometric key infrastructure for network transactions with an identity component.

Zeno Geradts

Ph.D., Forensic Scientist of the Netherlands Forensic Institute.

alt             Zeno Geradts works since 1991 at the Netherlands Forensic Institute as a forensic scientist. He is expert witness in image analysis and biometrics (e.g. facial comparison) as well as R&D coordinator in digital evidence. In 2002 he received a PhD from the University of Utrecht based on research on computational matching of images from shoeprints, toolmarks, drugs pills and cartridge cases. He started in toolmarks where he wrote several hundreds of reports and in 1995 he switched to firearms and since 1997 he works at the digital evidence and biometrics department. At the American Academy of Forensic Sciences he has been chairman of the Engineering Section and since 2008 he has been chairman of the new section Digital Evidence and Multimedia. Currently he is in Director the section. He is chairman of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes Forensic IT working group. He (co-) authored in many publications and presented a wide variety of papers and workshops and is active on casework as expert witness and projects in digital evidence and multimedia (such as camera identification, repairing video streams, image analysis, heart beat detection from CCTV).
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